π Network
Website Analysis
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- Whois History
- Robtex
- Security Trails
- CompleteDNS History
- DNS Trails
- Geo Data Tool
- SpyOnWeb
- dnsdumpster
- MX Lookup Toolbox
- WhoIsHostingThis
- Whoisology
π Cryptography
π· Images
πΏ Alternate Search
βπ©βπ» Code & Reverse Engineering
π Virus and Malware Research
π§ Utilities
π£ Usernames
πΌ Reverse Image Search
π¬ Social Media
β IMs
π§Ύ Public Records
Geographic Specific Searches
β Air Traffic
π’ Sea/Land
This is a collection of quick cheat sheets containing search engine syntax.
Twitter π
"search phrase" | results with the exact phrase |
a OR b | results with either "a", "b", or both |
-term | excludes term from results |
#fucktrump | contains hashtag |
from:username | sent from @username |
to:username | sent to @username |
@username | results with reference to @username |
near:nyc | results with geolocation near named location (or lat/long, more) |
within:15mi | results inside distance radius (when paired with near: ) |
since:2010-01-01 | search time earliest |
until:2014-06-22 | search time latest |
source:twitterfeed | tweets posted using TwitterFeed (there's others, unknown names) |
lang:jp | tweets posted with a specific language (ISO 639-1 language code) |
:), :(, ? | likely not strictly keywords, but might gauge question/mood results |
filter:type | β tweets filtered by various things; see type table below |
links | results with links |
mentions | results with mentions |
media | results with media (video, images, etc) |
images | results with images |
videos | results with videos |
hashtags | results with any hashtag |
verified | results from verified users |
quote | results that quote other tweets |
Adapted from
πΊοΈ Nmap
π¦ Wireshark
-sL | List scan, goes through the target list ONLY doing DNS resolution | |
-sn | Ping-only scan; show which hosts are up (formerly -sP ) | |
-sT | TCP Connect scan (default non-root scan) | |
-sS | TCP SYN "stealth" scan* (default if priv, otherwise -sT ; req. root if forced) | |
* easily detected nowadays | ||
-sU -p 111,222,333 | UDP scan on specific ports | |
-Pn | Skip discovery, assume all open (will be SLOW) | nmap -Pn -F |
nmap | Target single IP |
nmap hostname.tld | Target hostname |
nmap | Target range |
nmap | Target subnet |
-iL ip-list.txt | Import list of IPs as targets |
By default, nmap scans the first 1000 ports. | |
-p 22 | Target single port |
-p 22-80 | Target range of ports |
-p 22,80,443 | Target specific ports |
-F | Scans the first 100 only ("fast") |
-p- | Scans all 65535 ports (not "fast") |
-T0 - -T5 | Specifies a timing template, default 3. |
(0 = paranoid [ASBURDLY SLOW], 1 = sneaky [REAL SLOW!], 2 = polite [SLOW], 3 = default/normal, 4 = aggressive [A FAVORITE], 5 = insane) |
-A | Enable OS detection, version detection, script scanning, and traceroute (-O -sV -sC --traceroute ) |
-sV | Version detection (--version-intensity (0-9, def: 7) adjusts aggressiveness) |
-sC | Performs script scan with default set of scripts. Likely intrusive! |
--script filename|category|directory | Runs a specific script |
ssl-enum-ciphers | This script repeatedly initiates SSLv3/TLS connections, each time trying a new cipher or compressor while recording whether a host accepts or rejects it. The end result is a list of all the ciphersuites and compressors that a server accepts. |
-oN filename.txt | Output normal |
-oX filename.xml | Output XML |
-oG filename.gnmap | Output for grepable |
-oA basename | Output all at once (normal, XML, greppable) |
Display Filters Capture Filters
eq / == | Equal | ip.dest == |
ne / != | Not equal | ip.addr != |
* use this instead! -> | !(ip.addr == | |
gt / > | Greater than | frame.len > 10 |
lt / < | Less than | frame.len < 10 |
ge / >= | Greater than or equal | frame.len >= 10 |
le / <= | Less than or equal | frame.len <= 10 |
and / && | Match both |
or / || | Match either |
xor / ^^ | One of the two, not both |
not / ! | Not equal to |
[ n ] / [ ... ] | Substring; filter specific word or text |
{foo, bar, baz} | Membership; includes one of these |
ip.addr == | Filter by IP (src and dst) |
ip.dst == | Filter by Destination IP |
ip.src == | Filter by Source IP |
!(ip.addr == | Filter Out by IP |
ip.addr >= and ip.addr <= | Filter by IP Range |
ip.addr == and ip.addr == | Filter by Multiple IPs |
ip.addr == | Filter by Subnet |
tcp.port == 25 | Filter by Port |
tcp.dstport == 25 | Filter by Destination Port |
protocol == 25 | Filter by Destination Port |"hostname" | Hostname filter | == "hostname" | Filter by URL |
http.request.method in {"HEAD" "GET"} | Show HEAD and GET http requests |
frame.time >= "June 02, 2019 00:00:00" | Filter by Timestamp |
tcp.flags.syn == 1 and tcp.flags.ack == 0 | Show only SYN packets |
wlan.fc.type_subtype==0x08 | Show only beacon frames |
eth.dst==de:ad:be:ee:ee:ff | MAC filter |
eth.dst!=ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff | Filter out broadcast |
(eth.dst[0] & 1) | Filter by multicast |
tcp.flag.reset==1 | RST flag filter |
tcp.time_delta > .250 | Displays packets with delta time > 250ms in their stream context |
frame contains potato | Displays packets containing string 'potato' |
tcp.analysis.flags && !tcp.analysis.window_update | Retransmissions, duplicate acks, zero windows, and more; for debugging performance issues |
dns | http | ftp | ssh | icp | Search by protocol name (examples given) |
frame contains "(attachment|tar|exe|zip|pdf)" | Find files by type |
tcp contains facebook | Filter traffic by keyword |
!(arp or icmp or stp) | Filters out stuff you might not care about |